Innerspring Natural Health

Total Body Modification (TBM)

What is Total Body Modification (TBM)?

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Total Body Modification (TBM)

Total Body Modification (TBM) was created by some of the top practitioners of natural medicine over the last 60 years. The creators of TBM wanted to establish a system of medicine that viewed healtTBM_Logo Smallh “problems” in the context of the whole person’s life- one that took all the factors that effect health into account. TBM uses specific muscle testing to decipher the messages of the body (which often come in the form of a symptom).

One amazing advantage of TBM is that it draws connections between different body systems that modern science cannot associate in a linear way. All of the different systems at work in your body function as an integrated whole and so what happens in one area can effect any other area. The muscle testing in TBM gives us the chance to ask the innate intelligence of the body directly for the source of the issue and what is needed to balance the total system.

TBM (Total Body Modification) is a technique that is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed, determine why it is stressed, and correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system.

In other words, TBM addresses and corrects Functional Physiology (how the body works) it allows the power that made the body to correct the body and allow it to heal.

TBM has taken this philosophy and explored the possibilities of the body’s inherent ability for self-regeneration. TBM demonstrates that if the right thing is done to the right body at the right time and in the right way miracles happen!

How Does TBM Work?

The nervous system is composed of the following:

Each of these systems are further divided into Sensory and Motor Fibers.

The brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous system. Sensory fibers carry messages to the brain where they are processed, like a computer, and the brain in turn, tells the body what to do.

Research has proven that under sufficient stress, from any reason, the neurons in the brain centers which are controlling the stressed organ or body part essentially become depolarized. This is like blowing a fuse on an electrical circuit. The message gets to the brain but fails to return. The result is that the brain (computer) loses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part. This can leave the organ or body part spinning out of control.
Using tried and tested reflex points and muscle testing, the TBM Practitioner can find the problem. He or she will then stimulate a specific area or areas along the spine in an attempt to stimulate the neurons in the brain to repolarize (fix the fuse) and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health. Since a correctly functioning nervous system is a major requirement for health, it follows that TBM can have a part to play in almost any problem and uncover and correct the roadblocks to recovery.

TBM Research

At this point in time TBM is able to test and correct most of the known body functions. Through the efforts of many innovators, a body of knowledge and repeatable technical procedures has emerged to correct what is termed “functional physiology”.

Over the years, scientific data has validated much of what began as theory. But the results that have been attained have given the impetus, the confidence, and the desire to find out more about how the body really works. Research is an ongoing activity in TBM and each year brings new discoveries.

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